Thursday 1 January 2009

Bush Knew !!!

To all bloggers. Please act on this message that has just been sent to the Chair of JUSTICE Student Human Rights Network.

"Hello Suzanne,

I note you are Chair of JUSTICE Student Human Rights Network.

I would like to commence by saying that my partner is from Zimbabwe and my concern for people and humanity is both deep and profound.

I am the mentor and official spokesperson to The Global Fund For Peace, Justice And Development and The Voice Of The World - hereinafter referred to as - The Global Fund and TVOTW respectively at - - and -

These 2 web sites are NOT in any way what some people refer to as 'conspiracy' type web sites. TVOTW was 7 years in the making. Information contained in this web site was gathered by the most advanced, professional and articulate researchers available anywhere in the world. The information now resident in this web site is both factual and the absolute truth - from start to finish.

We now have incontrovertible evidence that Bush knew of the 9/11 attacks in April 2001. He chose to remain silent. He chose to do absolutely nothing to try and prevent the attacks OR to warn the American people. In law - he has facilitated the attacks and by doing so - is an accessory to their enactment. We now have the testimony of an FBI translator who has personally seen documentation confirming the above facts.

I shouldn't have to remind you that compared to this - 'Watergate' pales into insignificance.

If you would kindly do so - what I am asking you to do is 4 things:-

1. T
o email the above URL's and the text of this email to every single person in your network asking them also to forward on to everyone they know the same email;

2. Email all of your members asking them to join the "facebook" group - " HE KNEW !!! ";

3. Email all university student organizations - worldwide with this information;


4. Email and ask everyone to give support to The Global Fund in whatever way they possibly can.

These matters need to be brought to the attention of the world community - AND QUICKLY. The Zionist controlled Bush media will not print or broadcast anything whatsoever which may incriminate or be detrimental to Bush and this Administration or Blair and the UK Government. The newsdesks of the major newspapers and TV stations cover up and ignore the information which has been placed before them.

Letters have already been posted online to President-elect Barack Obama and Clare Short MP in the UK.

We have also uncovered a conspiracy within the BBC to remove incriminating evidence from the public domain which said evidence refers to serious crimes by Bush in Iraq. Part of what I refer to is documented here -

A fully documented chapter on the aims and objectives of the Global Fund are available here -

The Global Fund 'Mission' statement is available here -

If you have any questions whatsoever - please email me at the above address.

Thanking you in anticipation.

Yours sincerely,
The Global Fund For Peace, Justice And Development.
Clayton W. Wentworth"

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